Mike’s desire to start his own tattooing business came about because he had different ethics he wanted to follow that he couldn’t find anywhere else. On January 10th, 2012 he did just that sparking the creation of Cheyenne Mountain Tattoo Company.

An important aspect to us is that we ground ourselves in our art, and we value that being put on the body. We want our clientele representing our artwork to value it as well when they leave the shop. Turns out that a lot of people come to us when they want a customized tattoo when they can’t find another means when putting together a visual design.

Another aspect we embrace is having an environment that isn’t loud and noisy. We work in private rooms with no interruptions. They have our full attention. This can be incredibly important for some of our clients as it gives them a comfortable, safe, closed door space where they don’t feel like they’re put on a show. We are trying to change the expectations of tattoo parlors so that people learn it’s not about exposé but about enjoying the experience from beginning to end.

Mike travels all over the country and the world going to conventions and clients and using their skills to give them a piece they’ll never forget. He’s traveled to: Illinois, Louisville, Miami, Colorado Springs, Ireland, England, Spain, France, Germany Norway, and Mexico to name a few.

So stop by the shop today or view the portfolio online and get started on your next piece of art!